Welcome Tiptoes Pre-School
Here, at Tiptoes Pre-School, we understand that every child deserves the best
possible start in life and support to reach their full potential. A secure, safe and happy environment is important in its own right, and it can provide the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents.
The Curriculum follows the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), which is the exact same guidance as school. The Knowledge, skills and understanding are covered by three prime areas;
1. Personal, social and emotional development;
2. Communication and language, and
3. Physical development.
There are also four specific areas:
Understanding the world, and
Expressive art and design.
All these areas are delivered through planned, purposeful play, with a balance of adult-led and child initiated activities. Each child’s individual development is moni-tored and their progress recorded in their Individual Learning Journeys.
Phonic Sessions
The children at Tiptoes pre-school learn through jolly phonics and letters and sounds. This is done daily through action, song and games. There is copy of the phonics on the pre-school wall for you to take home and do with your child. The children concen-trate on one letter sound a week, we ask if you can help your child find different ob-jects that begin with the sound of the week to share with the other children and to help them gain a wider understanding of the sounds. We also follow the Letters and sounds document, this is a principle and practice of high quality phonics and is a six phase teaching programme. The children start with phase 1 and work into phase 2 this will then continue when they start school.
Number Sessions
We aim to help children recognise numbers, begin calculating and understand some form of shape, space and measures before they start school, this is done in a variety of ways by exposing the children to numbers in the environment. Flash cards and planned games are used on a one-to-one basis or in groups. The children spend time singing through numbers and acting out number rhymes.
We have embraced technology with our pre-school interactive whiteboard. We use this for a variety of activities to help the children develop in literacy, mark making, numbers and much more. The children also have other ICT equipment to help them learn and develop such as cameras and the Bee-Bot the robot, which helps them with coordination and control using different direction buttons.
Multi-cultural activities
These help the children gain knowledge of the world. The children will learn about the different festivals e.g. Diwali, Eid, Hanukkah, Christmas, Chinese New Year. Multicultural activities are covered in depth by trying different foods, dressing up in different clothes and doing lots of
Outdoor Activities
The pre-school garden has large climbing facilities and big tricycles for the children to develop their physical skills. The children have risks to take in this area, which also increases their independence. They spend a lot more time gardening throughout the full year and during specific times growing their own fruit and vegetables to eat at meal times. Pre-school children often go out of the setting for walks by the river during their outdoor play time.
Transition to School
At Tiptoes Pre-school we always make strong links with schools to ensure you get the best for your child. If your child attends dual settings we will use a diary to communicate what we are trying to achieve with your child and what we have currently been learning about each day. This then continues weekly, back and forth to each setting.
Once your child is nearing the start of school the teacher will often come and see them at Tiptoes Pre-school. Visits are arranged to schools that do not operate in this way, to discuss your child’s interests and development. We send your child’s learning journey on to school with transition information written at the front, this gives your child’s class teachers time to look at learning throughout their time at Tiptoes. We also en-courage schools to have children from Tiptoes Pre-school in the same class, so they have some familiar faces in their first days at school.